The gynaecological exam includes an inspection of the external genitalia and a speculum exam to inspect the vagina and cervix. Moreover, a colposcopic examination of the cervix is performed (similar to a microscopic examination) followed by a cervical smear examination (i.e. cytological test which patients undergo once a year). This examination is carried out as a basic cervical cancer screening.
On top of this, our clients may opt for a more modern method of cervical screening referred to as liquid-based cytology (LBC). The sample is collected in the conventional manner with one of the brush instruments but, instead of being spread onto a glass slide, it is transferred to a vial of transport liquid medium. This new method significantly improves the quality of the examination and increases the possibility of early detection of serious cellular changes in the cervix. In addition, it allows for the detection of HPV virus (from the same swab taken for cytological test) which is a primary cause of cervical cancer.
In the laboratory, the samples are then evaluated in two ways: first by microscopic examination performed by a cytopathologist and then by electron microscopy, which can identify even a single abnormal cell. This procedure significantly reduces the risk of overlooking serious changes in the collected cells.
The efficiency of the conventional glass-slide method, almost 50-year-old, is around 60-70%, which may result in underestimation of the findings. Whereas the efficiency of the new computerised analysis of LBC smears exceeds 90%.
The preventive examination also includes a bimanual exam to assess the uterus and adnexa by palpation. A rectal examination may be also used as a part of routine gynaecological check-ups. The patients usually undergo a vaginal or abdominal ultrasound during the check-ups.
Another prevention measure is vaccination. Vaccinations developed specifically for women should protect them against the most aggressive types of HPV. It is intended not only for adolescent patients who have not yet started their sexual life, but also for women who are already sexually active. It will prevent re-infection and reduce the likelihood of cancer. HPV VACCINES ARE AVAILABLE AT OUR CLINICS.
An integral part of preventive care is breast examination, as well as dispensation in case of need. We provide referrals for mammography and breast ultrasound, which involves close cooperation with a mammologist.